Background information
Name to incorporate in the logo
True Power
Slogan to incorporate in the logo
Description of the organization and its target audience
True Power is a transformational self-study program for people who want to heal themselves and realize their HELL YES life. When someone enrolls in this online course, they get get lifetime access to 12 life-changing modules, including weekly videos, quizzes and a workbook. True Power is the most well-rounded, comprehensive program to learn the art of transformational living that is out there. It is easily applicable, accessible and extremely effective.
Entertainment & The Arts
Visual style
Colors to explore

Other color requirements
I like Retro 70's Rainbowy Colors
Style Attributes
Design inspiration
Other notes
I want for the design to be sophisticated while still communicating the joy, happiness, peace and freedom that participants will gain by going through this course. This course is for any adult, although it is likely that more women than men will buy it. I want it to be colorful. Here is the link to the landing page for the course.
No animals or insects in the designs please. Nature related imagery is fine.
Here are three different ideas for logos:
1. I'm open to the idea of the logo that I uploaded (or some close version of it) to be incorporated (the Peace Inside Out logo, not the words).
2. As a totally different design idea, I also would love to see True Power written as if it were a neon sign. I'd love to see the words True Power written either between the wings or in the heart (no halo over the heart).
3. I'd also love to a see the font of "True Power" in a 70's vintage style.
Contest deliverables
1 x Logo
Final files
If you use fonts that require a license, confirm with the client they're ok with it. For licensing reasons, it is better to provide your client with information on how to acquire the font rather than providing the actual files.
Text in logos should be converted to outlines.
This is the logo for my personal coaching business. I would be open to this design being incorporated into the True Power logo (not the words)