
Dashboard App design
Social Media App design
Virtual Business Cards
App design for news app
Fitness App design
App Desig for Dispensary
Audio App design


Hello! I'm Zahiu Lurentiu, also known as "Shorty", a Graphic designer based in Ploiesti - Romania. I have over 11 years experience with Adobe Photoshop, and over 8 years experience working in the graphic and printing industry.
I'm always looking for self improvement and I'm willing to experiment new possibilities of visual expression through any process of visual communication, from traditional techniques, to digital ones.

Country: Romania. Member since: August 17, 2015
Contests won
Runner up
1-to-1 Projects
Repeat clients
Mid Level




"Thank you! Looking forward to working together again in the future!"
Profile picturecmsteadman1 reviewed almost 5 years ago
"Great designer with great communication"
Anonymous client reviewed almost 6 years ago
"Shorty is a fantastic designer and went out of his way to help develop our app idea with us."
Anonymous client reviewed over 7 years ago
"Shortydesign did a fantastic job! Not only did he come up with my favorite design, but he was also very responsive to change requests. Additionally, I asked him to organize the deliverable in a certain way so that I could customize it in the future if..."
Profile picturejgreen57 reviewed almost 8 years ago
"We had an awesome experience getting our work done using the 99d platform. Love it!"
Anonymous client reviewed about 8 years ago